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Imaging Gantry

Imaging Gantry

Challenge: Customer needed to shorten focusing times in their next-generation system. To accomplish this, they required a high speed and high straightness stage that fit in their existing package. Flatness was not critical.

Solution: Motion Solutions utilized THK SHS linear bearings, Akribis linear motor, Renishaw Quantic encoder and Motion Solutions-designed machined parts and extrusion to produce a system that included these features:

  • Custom extrusion for high strength and low weight on top Y-axis
  • Dual-driven bottom X-axis for higher load capacity
  • Special system alignment for straightness
  • Stainless steel optical encoder for positioning
  • Linear motor as drive mechanism for speed and precision
  • Custom Z-axis for camera positioning

Result: Motion Solutions was able to provide a high precision system, reducing imaging times with high-speed actuators including on the Z focus stage and a sub 18 arc-second straightness error in the dual X-axes over a 390mm stroke. Results were quantified using laser equipment.

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“It’s really important to thoroughly understand the application. We would start by reviewing the statement of work or application information that the customer provides, and then we would have a consultative meeting to make sure that we really understand how the system should function, and all of the nuances that are associated with it.”

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