Motion Solutions is proud to announce the launch of the web portal for its Vertex brand of motion products. Accessible from the Motion Solutions homepage, the new portal provides technical details about our full line of proprietary positioning products. Visit the pages to download CAD drawings, machine drawings, brochures, and data sheets. Learn about our array of solutions and how they can support your latest project.
The Motion Solutions Vertex brand encompasses high-performance positioning equipment designed and built by us. It includes ball-screw and lead-screw stages, linear-motor stages, and discrete linear components for custom-built actuators. We focus on giving customers a choice of highly configurable stock assemblies, as well as levels of customization not readily available in industry. Because we build the systems in-house, we can deliver them on very short lead times.

The Vertex brand was born out of our own engineering needs. The Motion Solutions Engineered Solutions team works on dozens of different custom engineering projects each year. Early on, we noticed that a key gap existed in the market. OEMs could buy ultra-high-performance equipment at a matching price, or they could purchase low-end equipment at a budget price. No real options existed for high performance at a moderate price. Motion Solutions decided to fill the market gap and the Vertex brand was launched.
Each product in the Vertex brand is designed by the same team of skilled electro-mechanical engineers that staffs our Engineered Solutions department. They build quality products because they know they will be using those products in their own work. The components are then manufactured on site by our expert technicians. Manufacturing in the United States enables us to offer very short lead times, as well as the flexibility to adapt actuators to customer needs. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility keeps production costs down, and we pass the savings along to our customers.
Learn more about Vertex here.