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Nanopositioning Solutions for Genomics, Next Generation Sequencing, Microscopy, and Molecular Diagnostics Instrumentation

Next-Generation Sequencing is within a portfolio of key technologies that is transforming healthcare. Next-Generation Sequencers are complex instruments which pose unique challenges for the motion sub-systems, warranting specialized nanopositioning system engineering for genomics and molecular diagnosis applications.

Step and Settle Performance

Step and Settle Performance

The proper use of mechanical and electrical motion technologies allows axes within high throughput sequencing instruments to step and settle into position rapidly with minimal system resonance.

Steady State Stability

Steady State Stability

Axis stability within a complex instrument is a challenging task but is required for critical processes such as imaging. The proper design and repeatable manufacturing of critical axes can form a stable foundation within the motion system and provides a performance margin of safety.

Increased Throughput

Increased Throughput

Understanding a full system’s architecture and interactions within the motion sub-systems allows for the identification of robust electro-mechanical solutions that respond quickly without disturbances that slow down throughput.

Reduced Costs

Reduced Cost

Pursuit toward the $100 genome will increase adoption of genomic technology within healthcare. Identifying the ideal nanopositioning system engineering solutions that balance cost and performance can contribute to this breakthrough milestone.

Collaborative Solutions

Collaborative Solutions

Collaboration is our top priority. As an extension of your engineering team, we consider your application requirements and constraints, then propose solutions that balance your cost, timeline, and performance goals.

Fast Innovation Cycles

Fast Innovation Cycles

Motion Solutions has made strategic investments into capital equipment and dedicated staff that will help your project advance and transition seamlessly from conceptualization to OEM manufacturing.


Nanopositioning Solutions for Genomics

Z-Axis Focusing Stage

Z-Axis Focusing Stage

High-Speed Optical Gantry on Granite

High-Speed Optical Gantry on Granite

Image Scanning Stage

Image Scanning Stage

XYZ Stage for
 Sample Positioning

XYZ Stage for
Sample Positioning

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Z Focus


Long-travel piezo Z focus stage


Piezo Z focus stage

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Compact Stages with Cross-roller Bearings

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X & XY Linear

nPL70L Stage

Linear Motor Stage


Long-travel piezo Z focus stage

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Tip Tilt

RXY3-410 Nanopositioning Piezo Stage


Tip-tilt piezo stage for large mirrors