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Motion Solutions ProcessHexagonal shapes


Our Process

Motion Solutions offers engineering and design services that provide solutions for a variety of linear motion challenges. Over the course of working on thousands of engineering and design projects, we have developed and honed our five-step plan for every project, regardless of size or complexity.

Every project kicks off with a formalized intake procedure to define objectives, specifications, and deliverables. We develop a detailed project plan with budget and schedule, and apply best practices in program management to ensure that we stay on target.

The engineering and design process for linear motion projects starts with input from both the customer and the entire team of engineers, both electrical and mechanical. They determine the line of attack, including whether it aligns with our previous experience or whether we need a clean-sheet design. We may even recommend bringing in outside vendors.

Our Process Diagram

We offer linear motion engineering and design services that meet the needs of various phases of a project depending upon where the customer is in the development cycle. A typical cycle will include:


Project Planning

Phase one may be the most critical of all. During this phase, we work with our customers to ensure that we know exactly what they need. We define exactly what the project is and if the project can be done within the customer’s specifications and budget. Then we plan out the project so everyone knows what to expect.

  • Define project requirements
  • Conduct feasibility project
  • Develop project plan
  • Establish budget
  • Propose project schedule
Project Planning


Preliminary Design

During this phase, we employ our linear motion design and engineering services to create designs and models to make sure everyone is on the same page. We also get our first idea of exactly what building something might cost.

  • Lock down design requirements
  • Create concept models
  • Draft preliminary bill of materials (BOM)
  • Perform preliminary design review
Preliminary Design


Detailed Design

It’s time to stop estimating and conceptualizing. Here, we’ll build and double check everything on paper and on the computer. Using our decades of linear motion engineering and design expertise, we can see problems coming and eliminate them before they cause any expensive issues.

  • Develop detailed CAD model
  • Conduct thorough engineering analysis (load, speed, safety factors, fasteners, etc.)
  • Generate full BOM (finalize costs, part numbers, drawing numbers, etc.)
  • Complete electrical design (motor sizing, controllers, drives, power supplies, etc.)
  • Conduct risk analysis
  • Perform critical design review
  • Obtain customer design approval
Detailed Design


Phase 4: Prototyping

In this phase, we pull the design off the paper and out of the computer. Building a prototype is the goal in this phase, but we also start testing to make sure the solution works.

  • Produce drawings and data sheets
  • Initiate preliminary release to PLM
  • Procure hardware
  • Build prototype
  • Perform validation testing
  • Execute system life test
  • Obtain customer prototype acceptance
Phase 4: Prototyping



We go beyond linear motion engineering and design services. We’ll generate everything you need to manufacture anywhere you like, but we also have our own full production facility. Once our engineering services team finishes with a design, we can easily transfer it over to manufacturing, allowing our customers to take advantage of cost and sourcing benefits.

  • Implement changes and revisions
  • Conduct cost reduction and vendor selection
  • Develop manufacturing documents (assembly procedures, inspection sheets, etc..)
  • Initiate production release to PLM
  • Launch volume production

Our Process – Putting Our Expertise To Work

You can rest assured that with any linear motion design, engineering, and manufacturing project we touch, our five-step process has been tested, re-tested, and proven time and again. We can’t wait to leverage our team’s talent and experience into making your idea a reality!

Can’t find what you need?

Engineering isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. We can customize nearly everything we sell, from modifying housings and mechanical interfaces to fine-tuning performance parameters. Interested in custom assemblies?