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Free-Space Optical Communication (FSOC)
Free-Space Optical Communication (FSOC) technology is rapidly gaining popularity as a means of high-speed data transmission over long distances. However, the successful implementation of FSOC systems relies heavily on precision positioning of the optical components. In particular, high resonance motion systems used in FSOC applications require accurate and reliable positioning...
How is life testing done, and what are the benefits? Knowing how many years a product will perform in the field can be important for OEMs in certain industries.
How do we measure stage accuracy? The Motion Solutions laser laboratory has metrology testing equipment used to characterize our high-precision stages. Our 6-axes laser interferometer allows us to simultaneously measure linear accuracy, repeatability, pitch, yaw, roll, flatness, and straightness.
Why do we need an overhead crane? At Motion Solutions, we build large high-precision equipment that weighs thousands of pounds and needs to be handled with care.
Operational Method Sheets – MOSO Quality Assurance
To ensure the best quality and assembly of each product we manufacture Motion Solutions uses Operational Method Sheets (OSM) which is a step by step illustrated guided procedure on how to assemble a device.
Read More about Operational Method Sheets – MOSO Quality Assurance
The Importance of Cable Testing
Do you know we test 100% of the cables and connectors on the systems we manufacture before delivery? See why and how in our video “The Importance of Cable Testing”