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Motion Solutions Blog


Accuracy, Repeatability, and Specsmanship – Understanding Motion Stage Datasheets

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This blog post discusses accuracy and repeatability in the context of data sheets and product specification. For a detailed discussion of stage accuracy, repeatability, and resolution that covers definitions, nuances, and misconceptions, read our whitepaper here.] In theory, a datasheet lists the capabilities and performance of a device,...

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The Six Myths of Stage Error Mapping

Stage-error mapping – measuring absolute positioning error at a specified set of sampling points – has gained a reputation as a method for achieving high-accuracy motion control with lower-cost equipment. The theory is sound. The problem is that there are a lot of misconceptions around stage-error mapping that can lead to its use in unsuitable applications, with disappointing results. Want to dispel the myths of stage-error mapping and learn how you can use it for maximum benefit? Read on.

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Five Tips for Specifying Motion Systems for Step and Settle Applications

[Editor’s note: For a detailed discussion of how to specify the stage for step and settle applications, see our whitepaper Step and settle motion is a fundamental support technology for a variety of critical systems, such as DNA sequencers, semiconductor wafer-inspection systems, diagnostic imagers, and more. While OEMs typically...

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How to Choose the Best Motion System for Your Step and Settle Application

Step and settle motion plays a critical role in applications ranging from life-sciences to medical to semiconductor and materials science. In systems like DNA sequencers, diagnostic imagers, or wafer-inspection systems, stages are fundamental to the success of the product. Selecting positioning equipment for these demanding applications is a complex balance of performance versus cost.

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