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Operational Method Sheets – MOSO Quality Assurance

At MOSO quality is job one. To ensure the best quality and assembly of each product we manufacture Motion Solutions uses Operational Method Sheets (OMS) which is a step by step illustrated guided procedure on how to assemble a device. Our OMS is a control document but can be changed, when necessary, when we find improvements in our procedures. An OMS records key values such as necessary tools or torque values and any common pitfalls in assemble like part orientation that is easily missed. We find that the OMS is a great catalyst for discussing between manufacturing and engineering ensuring design intent is passed down as well as any difficulties in design or manufacturability are passed up so we can improve the design or OMS. Our OMS ensures the product is built the same way every time and we are striving to make our products and assemblies better. See more about our OMS procedure in our short video below.

Press the arrow or click below to watch the video:

Joe Natale

About the Author
Joe Natale, Mechanical Engineer, Motion Solutions

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